Can you watch to the end without laughing? Bloopers from TOP 10 LEGOLAND Windsor Rides Video

Can you not laugh? Can you watch to the end of the video without laughing? Here are some bloopers, outtakes and funny bits from “Top 10 Rides & Things to do at LEGOLAND Windsor for kids under 12s (2019) ten” video:

There is some merit in when they say “don’t work with kids and animals” …. at least they enjoy themselves 😉

Transcript from the show:

Can you watch to the end of our video without laughing?

These are bloopers from our Top 10 video of rides and things to do at Legoland Windsor.

These are the top 10 things to do at LEGO we-weeza … <laughing>. That might be an outtake.


<rah rah rah rah rah …. dancing around>


<shrugging shoulders>

bong, bong, bong <door slams> <surprised look> What was that?!
<door slamming… laughter>

errr … I don’t know what you are talking about.

<looking unimpressed. Tap on shoulder> What?

It… was…. as …. big…. as ….10 …. blue …. pillows

I can’t touch the  …. the … peddles … peddles. Or maybe one day me and you could go in the boat and you are pushing the pedal and I am driving at the steering wheel

Nah …. I could be driving that. No, no you’re not good at steering.

oooh…. I’m not crashing into you

ooooh…. I’m crashing into…

no stop…. create your whirlpool

<spinning around laughing>

<even more spinning around>

and they really squash this bit of you right? No they don’t.

It means you can only drive a LEGO car. oh yeah! We can drive every car in the world yeah!

describe or share <laughter>. ha. … describe or share <laughter>

Did you laugh at all while watching our video? Please subscribe. It will greatly encourage us.

Be sure to watch our top 10 rides & things to do at LEGOLAND Windsor

bloopers …. bloopers …. bloopers bloopers


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